Wednesday 8 August 2007

Telephone interviews

I had a telephone interview today, I do find them very strange, it was the first time I've ever had one and I'm struggling to think of a use for them.

I think I need to explain first that I am currently unemployed I was a civil servant, left for another job and found I wasn't enjoying it too much, the people were really nice but I knew it wasn't for me and didn't want to mess them around so left.

I've only been unemployed for a couple of weeks and am trying to make the time as short as possible.

Anyway back to the grit of it. This interviewer was really nice, put me at ease from the beginning and at no point seemed unhappy with my answers. However I'm applying for an IT role and she freely admitted she was fairly useless with technology so it was more of a general fishing conversation. It seemed a waste of time really, all the information I gave was already held on my cv and the application form I filled out... Surely this poor woman has better thing to do than listen to me ramble on.

The next stage is a face to face interview with the team leader where I will need to go in to more, why the telephone interview in the first place? I just don't get it.

Anyway I'll keep my fingers crossed because I'd really like this job.

Wish me luck

Monday 6 August 2007

The Paramedic's Diary: Melting snowballs

The Paramedic's Diary: Melting snowballs

Not too sure if this was such a good idea

I'm not sure what I need a blog for however it seemed a good idea at the time. I've been reading the blogs of a The Paramedic's Diary and seeing how much effort he puts in to his entries I thought it only fair that I create an account to thank him for some very eye opening entries.

It would never have occured to me to call 999 as an attempt to get a taxi home, I can't believe the cheek of some people. Maybe I'm just a little naive.

Ah well time to figure out how to post a comment.